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Posts Tagged as "parental math anxiety"

How to Make Math Magical This Summer: Wed 6/14 at the Brooklyn Heights Public Library

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

I’m very excited for my first speaking engagement in New York City!!!

Making Math Magical: Summer Edition:
How to use the summer to catch up or get ahead (without burning out or going crazy)
for parents (of students 3rd grade through high school)

While summer is the perfect time to catch up on math or get ahead, students typically lose 2.6 months of grade level learning in math each summer.

Many families, even those who enthusiastically embrace summer reading, feel overwhelmed or completely lost when it comes to getting started with doing summer math.

Come learn how you can use the summer so your child can catch up or get ahead with math without having it be a boring, stressful chore, but actually magical, meaningful, fun, and effective, so your child is competent and confident.

You will learn how to:
-create achievable and meaningful summer math goals
-find summer materials that really work for you
-plan, pace and schedule yourself and your child
-fun ways to learn math on the go or on vacation
-access the magic that comes from true math mastery

Everyone will leave with specific tools and strategies to take home and use immediately.

Wednesday 6/14
6-7.30 pm
Brooklyn Heights Interim Branch
109 Remsen St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
(inside Our Lady of Lebanon Church)

For parents of kids from 3rd-12th grade.

Free and open to the public.

Posts Tagged as "parental math anxiety"

How to Make Math Magical this Summer: Sat 6/3, 2-3 PM in Mamaroneck, NY

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

I’m super excited to announce:

Making Math Magical, SUMMER EDITION:
How to use the summer to catch up or get ahead
(without burning out or going crazy)
for parents (of students 4th grade through high school)

While summer is the perfect time to catch up on math or get ahead, students typically lose 2.6 months of grade level learning in math each summer.

Many families, even those who enthusiastically embrace summer reading, feel overwhelmed or completely lost when it comes to getting started with doing summer math.

Come learn how you can use the summer so your child can catch up or get ahead with math without having it be a boring, stressful chore, but actually magical, meaningful, fun, and effective, so your child is competent and confident.

You will learn how to:
-create achievable and meaningful summer math goals
-find summer materials that really work for you
-plan, pace and schedule yourself and your child
-fun ways to learn math on the go or on vacation
-access the magic that comes from true math mastery

Everyone will leave with specific tools and strategies to take home and use immediately.

This talk is for: Parents of kids from 4th through 12th grade.

Talk title: Making Math Magical: SUMMER EDITION:
How to use the summer to catch up or get ahead
(without burning out or going crazy)
for parents (of students 4th grade through high school)
When: Saturday, 6/3
2-3 pm
Where: Mamaroneck Public Library
136 Prospect Ave,
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Cost: Free!

Please spread the word – I’d love to see you there!

#summermath #summermathforparents #summermathplan #summermathstrategy
#makingmathmagical #mathforparents #mathworkshopforparents #makemathmagicalthissummer #Mamaroneck #NY #MathMastery #MathConfidence #MathAnxiety #parentalmathanxiety

Posts Tagged as "parental math anxiety"

Making Math Magical, Summer Edition: Thursday 6/1 in Ho-ho-kus, New Jersey!

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

I’m super excited to announce:

Making Math Magical, SUMMER EDITION:
How to use the summer to catch up or get ahead
(without burning out or going crazy)
for parents (of students 4th grade through high school)

While summer is the perfect time to catch up on math or get ahead, students typically lose 2.6 months of grade level learning in math each summer. Many families, even those who enthusiastically embrace summer reading, feel overwhelmed or completely lost when it comes to getting started with doing summer math.

Come learn how you can use the summer so your child can catch up or get ahead with math without having it be a boring, stressful chore, but actually magical, meaningful, fun, and effective, so your child is competent and confident.

You will learn how to:
-create achievable and meaningful summer math goals
-find summer materials that really work for you
-plan, pace and schedule yourself and your child
-fun ways to learn math on the go or on vacation
-access the magic that comes from true math mastery

Everyone will leave with specific tools and strategies to take home and use immediately.

This talk is for: Parents of kids from 4th through 12th grade.

Talk title: Making Math Magical: SUMMER EDITION:
How to use the summer to catch up or get ahead
(without burning out or going crazy)
for parents (of students 4th grade through high school)
When: Thursday, 6/1
6.45-8 pm
Where: Worth-Pinkham Library
91 Warren Ave,
Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423
Cost: Free!

Please spread the word – I’d love to see you there!

#summermath #summermathforparents #summermathplan #summermathstrategy
#makingmathmagical #mathforparents #mathworkshopforparents #Hohokus #NewJersey #WorthPinkhamMemorialLibrary #NJ #MathMastery #MathConfidence #MathAnxiety #parentalmathanxiety

Posts Tagged as "parental math anxiety"

Making Math Magical: Tues 5/16 at the Worth-Pinkham Library in Ho-ho-kus, New Jersey!

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

I am excited to be presenting
Making Math Magical: How to End the Math Freakout and Raise a Math-Confident Child
on Tuesday, 5/16/2017,
at the Worth-Pinkham Library
in Ho-ho-kus, New Jersey!

You will discover how to support your child to achieve true mastery, rise to the top of their class, and even come to experience math as a source of joy and a type of self-expression. You’ll walk away with clear steps, case studies, and tools that you can use immediately at home to ensure math confidence and success.

This talk is for: Parents of students in Grade 4 through high school who are having a hard time with math and know that something needs to change.

Talk title: Making Math Magical: How to End the Math Freakout and Raise a Math-Confident Child
When: Tuesday, 5/16/2017,
6:45 PM – 8:00 PM
Where: Worth-Pinkham Library
91 Warren Ave,
Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423
Cost: Free!

Please spread the word – I’d love to see you there!

#makingmathmagical #mathforparents #mathworkshopforparents #Hohokus #NewJersey #WorthPinkhamMemorialLibrary #NJ #MathMastery #MathConfidence #MathAnxiety #parentalmathanxiety

Posts Tagged as "parental math anxiety"

What parents of math-confident children secretly do (that typical parents don’t) – #1

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

I recently had an epiphany.

I’ve come to understand that in my case studies and articles, I’ve been focused primarily on student behavior and student results.

Yet each of these transformations was only possible because of their parent’s behavior and beliefs.

Just like a Wimbleton champion works out differently than a typical person, or a billionaire invests differently than a typical investor, parents who set their kids up to be math masters (whether or not they’re involved in their child’s day-to-day learning) have a very specific set of beliefs and behaviors that set them apart.

Let’s look at exactly how you can choose to adapt these beliefs and behaviors to create this transformation into math mastery for your child.

1. Math-masterful parents see high-level support as normal and desirable, both for their child and for themselves.

A “typical parent” mindset is usually something like,

“If my child has a math tutor, it means that they are in some way ‘less than’ or ‘not smart,’ because smart kids don’t need help.”

And then they focus on getting away with as little support as possible, or ‘weaning’ their child off of the support they have in place, because they’re concerned their child will be dependent.

This is a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to truly be a master.

Masters receive the highest-level support available.

And they do so consistently.

You wouldn’t quit singing lessons after winning the lead in a musical.

You wouldn’t fire your personal trainer after qualifying for the Olympics.

You wouldn’t get elected President of the United States and then not have a cabinet.

Just like that, math-masterful parents understand that having high-level math support is normal AND desirable, and they set their kids up with the highest support available.

As a quick example, one mom came to me because her daughter was joyful about everything in her life except math, which made her miserable and anxious. And then the mom was also miserable and anxious.

Her approach was to set her daughter up with math support just like singing lessons and dance classes—as just another important piece in the big picture of her daughter’s life.

Now her daughter is happy and confident about math, and the mom is relaxed because her daughter is relaxed.

Did I just describe *your* mindset?

Do you see high-level math mentoring support as normal and desirable?

Are you no longer willing to wait while your child continues to suffer from math challenges?

I would love to connect and explore how I could best support your family.

To take the first step, just fill out this application here.

Once your application is received, I’ll reach out to schedule a special appointment time for us to connect and get clear on what’s not working, what you want instead, and whether my work would be a fit.

I’m totally excited to hear from you!

Sending you love,

PS. More secrets of math-masterful parents will be posted here – this is just #1 of 6!

Related posts:
Does having a math tutor make you a “loser”?
What to do when your kid’s math terrifies you
How to know when it’s time to stop tutoring your own kid

Posts Tagged as "parental math anxiety"

How to Raise a Math-Confident Daughter: Thursday, April 6th at the Rye Free Reading Room (Rye, NY)

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

Come and join me for
How to Raise a Math-Confident Daughter,
Thursday, April 6th
at the Rye Free Reading Room
in Rye, NY!

In 2009, an Intel survey found most parents would rather talk to their kids about drugs and sex than talk to them about math.

Math can be an enormous ource of parental anxiety, where even the most math-confident parents can find themselves stuck when it comes to supporting their own child. Make sure that math anxiety isn’t an obstacle to your child’s dreams.

This talk/workshop will provide you with groundbreaking tools to build and nurture your child’s math confidence.

THIS TALK IS FOR: parents of girls from 4th grade through high school who are having issues with math and know that something needs to change.

DATE: Thursday Apr 6, 2017

TIME: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Rye Free Reading Room
(Meeting Room)
1061 Boston Post Rd.,
Rye, NY 10580

COST: Free and open to the public

Please spread the word to families you know who might be interested!

Posts Tagged as "parental math anxiety"

How to raise a math-confident daughter (for parents): Thurs 1/12 at the Old Bridge Public Library

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

Preparing for “End the Math Freakout”!

Next Thursday, January 12th at 7:30 pm, I’ll be speaking to parents at the Old Bridge Public Library in Old Bridge, NJ on how to raise a math-confident daughter!

Come and join me, and please spread the word to parents who you think may be interested!

Math can be an enormous source of parental anxiety, where even the most math-confident parents can find themselves stuck when it comes to supporting their own child. Make sure that math anxiety isn’t an obstacle to your daughter’s dreams.

This talk/workshop will provide you with groundbreaking tools to build and nurture your daughter’s math confidence, including:
• the difference between perfectionism and mastery
• growth mindset
• how to use “negative” emotions to achieve math success
• flow state (how to use the sweet spot between boredom and overwhelm)
• mastery orientation, and more

You will discover how to support your daughter to achieve true mastery, rise to the top of their class, and even come to experience math as a source of joy and a type of self-expression. You’ll walk away with clear steps, case studies, and tools that you can use immediately at home to ensure math confidence and success.

Talk title: End the math freakout: How to raise a math-confident daughter
THIS TALK IS FOR: Parents of creative, passionate, unique daughters from 4th grade through high school who are having issues with math and know that something needs to change.
Date: Thursday, 1/12
Time: 7.30-8.30 pm
Location: Old Bridge Public Library
1 Old Bridge Plaza
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Cost: Free and open to the public.

I would love to see you there!
Sending you love,

Posts Tagged as "parental math anxiety"

What to do when your kid’s math terrifies you

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

“This is terrifying,” my student’s mom confided in me as we discussed my student’s taking one of the most advanced math classes you can take in high school. “What my daughter is doing is way beyond any math I’ve ever attempted.”

Does this sound familiar? Your kid is doing math that, if you needed to explain it to them, you would have a panic attack? mental meltdown? total and complete incomprehension?

This is a situation that I face all the time. Sometimes a kid’s math will cross the “parental capability threshold” in elementary school. Sometimes it’s middle school. Sometimes, high school, or even college. But unless you, the parent, are actually a math professional or math educator, it’s very normal for there to come a point where you absolutely can no longer help your kid with math, no matter how much you WANT to help them with it, unless you take it upon yourself to teach yourself from scratch how to do it (and sometimes, not even then).

If this is what’s happening to you, here’s what to keep in mind:

Just because you are terrified doesn’t necessarily mean that your kid is terrified. Don’t assume you and your kid feel the same way about the math they’re being asked to do. Your kid is surrounded by other kids who are also doing terrifying math, and it might even feel normal to them. Maybe they feel proud or excited to be doing it! It is possible that they also feel terrified like you do. But just remember that it’s possible that you won’t be having the same emotional experience about it.

Don’t underestimate your kid. (Especially based on your own math experience). Maybe you tried to do this level of math and failed. Or maybe even considering doing this level of math was so terrifying that you opted out, during your own education. Maybe you never had an opportunity to even TRY to learn this level of math. No judgement!

However, keep in mind, your past math performance does not predict your kid’s future performance. Even though a lot of people in our culture talk about math ability like it’s a genetic trait, truly, truly, TRULY EVERYONE can learn to do math if it’s explained to them in a way that they can understand. Math is not a talent. It’s a skill that can be acquired with practice and persistent effort. Please remember this if you start to feel terrified about what your kid has taken on.

You don’t have to be able to do the terrifying math yourself in order to be a good parent. It is normal as a parent to passionately want to give your own kid every possible opportunity to thrive. You want to teach them everything they need to know to succeed in the world on their own. How can you do this once the math they’re doing surpasses what you yourself have learned?

Do not fear. You do not have to teach them terrifying math yourself! Sometimes the best thing you can do as a parent is make sure that someone else is helping your kid with the terrifying math for you, and just step back and focus on being a mom or dad, not on having to be a math teacher after you come home from a full day’s work.

Are you ready to invest in having someone else – who is caring, empathic, adventurous, and super experienced – help your passionate, creative kid with the terrifying math, so you can just focus on being a parent?

Just click here to get started with your special application for my one-on-one math tutoring programs. Once your application is received, we’ll set up a special phone call to explore whether or not my magical math tutoring programs would be a fit for you and your family!

Related posts:
How to know when it’s time to stop tutoring your own kid
Afraid your math teacher will judge you?
Math student’s bill of rights
Face your fears, get a higher grade